We are pround to announce that Soneco has obtained the ChamberTrust ® seal by succesfuly passing the verification process.

chamber trust

ChamberTrust ® seal is an online database of verified businesses. It is a trusted search engine, exclusively focused on companies, their activities and product lines with a goal of providing BtoB trust in the eWorld.

Verification focuses on the objective information about the company: its existence, ownership of its site, products and activities, etc. All provided information are check with relevant registers and/or self-certified. The company and its representatives are hold all liable for any false declaration.

Chamber verification ensures only the coherence and consistency between the company declaration and data which is available online and those held on the specific company by the chamber. Chamber holds needed documents provided by company to certify its declarations.


Click here to view the Soneco's verified information at ChamberTrust website.



Mailing and Visiting Address:
Soneco d.o.o.
Makenzijeva 24/VI, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381.11.6356319
Fax: +381.11.2455210
sales@netvizura.com | support@netvizura.com


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