Soneco is proud to announce that new version of NetVizura is available for download (RPM and DEB packets).

New in version 4.2.0:


  1. Logo redesigned
  2. Device discovery and management improved
  3. Empty system message fixed
  4. Minor bugs fixed

NetFlow Analyzer:

  1. Report Scheduling added
  2. Automatic deduplication added
  3. Traffic Pattern cloning added
  4. System performance optimized
  5. Node tree improved
  6. Various other features improved
  7. IPTables discovery stops collection fixed
  8. PDF report crash fixed
  9. Minor bugs fixed

EventLog Analyzer:

  1. Alarms added
  2. SNMP Trap OID name resolution added
  3. Minor bugs fixed
  4. Online documentation published

MIB Browser:

  1. Minor bugs fixed
  2. Online documentation published


We are looking forward to your impressions and feedback.

NetVizura Team